essays. term papers, thesis

Alexander the Great.

Title: Alexander the Great.
Category: /History/European History
Details: Words: 612 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Alexander the Great.
ALEXANDER THE GREAT Alexander the Great was seen as a genius and the greatest conqueror of the classical times. He played many parts and was able to distinguish between those in everyday life. There is a wide variety of components involved with this leader but will focus on his background, cultural contributions, social conflicts, and the claim that he is a genius. Alexander was born in 356 B.C.E., the son of Phillip II and …showed first 75 words of 612 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 612 total…greatly to the society's that we have today, in mind, body and soul. The Genius of Alexander the Great by N.G.L. Hammond. "Alexander the Great" World Encyclopedia. George Phillip Ltd, 2002. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. April 21, 2003. "Alexander the Great" A Dictionary of the Bible. W.R.F. Browning. Oxford University Press, 1997. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Apri 21, 2003.

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