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An economic view of Napster lawsuit

Title: An economic view of Napster lawsuit
Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
Details: Words: 1316 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
An economic view of Napster lawsuit
One of the most exciting and innovative ways to get music these days is not in the mall and not at a huge mega electronic store, it's not even by a mail order CD club, it sits right on a desk and can allow you access to almost any kind of music available right in our home. Technology is changing the way we listen to music now downloading music from NAPSTER on the Internet is …showed first 75 words of 1316 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1316 total…future. In every instance in which new technology has arisen and threatened the interests of copyright holders the law has always sided with the new technology and both parties have benefited from the outcome. The overwhelming public demand for the technology that Napster has brought to the public will demand to be reckoned with. The public demands convenience and access and even though the courts will decide, the public has already spoken. We want Napster.

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