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Analysis of Federal Judges

Title: Analysis of Federal Judges
Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
Details: Words: 1173 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
Analysis of Federal Judges
Frequency of Presidential Appointees to the Federal Appellate Court Bench The frequency table reveals how many presidential appointees each president made to the Federal Appellate Court bench. This calculated on a per year basis shows that their has been a steady increase, with the exceptions of Ford who showed less and Carter who showed more, in the number of appointees to Federal Appellate Court bench during the last 10 presidencies. Since Federal Court judges are appointed …showed first 75 words of 1173 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1173 total…than the Republicans. During this 50-year period, the Republican presidents have not traditionally appointed women or minorities to the Federal Appellate Court. Not until the 80's, under Reagan, did a Republican president appoint members to the Appellate Court that included women and minorities. The majority of the appointees under Reagan and Bush remained to be white males. The appointments by Republican presidents from religions other than Protestant remained low in comparison to their Democratic counterparts.

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