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Critical Analysis of Mendelson's and Parkins' "Introducing Direct Democracy in Canada"

Title: Critical Analysis of Mendelson's and Parkins' "Introducing Direct Democracy in Canada"
Category: /Social Sciences/Political Science
Details: Words: 1268 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
Critical Analysis of Mendelson's and Parkins' "Introducing Direct Democracy in Canada"
In the article titled Introducing Direct Democracy in Canada, Mendelsohn and Parkin attempted proving to the readers that the holding of more referendums would improve Canadian democracy, as it would involve the general public in the making of policies and decisions that directly affected their lives. They state that the Canadian executive is given an enormous amount of power when he comes into office, which does not give others-outside of his "inner circle"-an opportunity …showed first 75 words of 1268 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1268 total…authors outline what exactly they are going to discuss before each new section which gives the reader a sense of the general direction they are heading towards. Mendelsohn and Parkin seem to be a bit too repetitive in regards to their arguments, which gives the reader a sense that they do not have enough evidence or points to prove so repeatedly use the same ones. The worth of their arguments, in this sense, becomes undermined.

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