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Cuban missile crisis/ww3?

Title: Cuban missile crisis/ww3?
Category: /History/World History
Details: Words: 473 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Cuban missile crisis/ww3?
Until 1958 President Batista governed in Cuba. The revolution (= Guerrilla war) by Fidel Castro and Ernest Che Guevara overthrew Batista and Castro came to power (8th January 1959). "Long time ago there was a little island where many people were let to starve and everywhere was great hardship. Then came a former non-commissioned officer, admitted the president and made him the head of the state. Then there was much more corruption and despotism. The big neighbour from …showed first 75 words of 473 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 473 total…for negotiations. On 4th February 1960 Cuba and the USSR signed a trade agreement. In May 1960 the relations between the two states became official. The USA answered to this with a trade embargo on the island. That meant no export of oil and no import of sugar. The USSR helped in securing the purchase of sugar and supplying the island with oil. This is an example to show the quarrel between the two superpowers over Cuba.

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