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Discusses the hardships suffered in the Great Depression that occured during the 1930's and how the government and the people dealt with it.

Title: Discusses the hardships suffered in the Great Depression that occured during the 1930's and how the government and the people dealt with it.
Category: /History/World History
Details: Words: 1848 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Discusses the hardships suffered in the Great Depression that occured during the 1930's and how the government and the people dealt with it.
"...Make the best of things with a smile and a laugh; there is no bowing down before fate in spiritless resignation..." Those were enlightening words spoke by Lady Game, wife of the Governor which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on the tenth of June in 1931 inspiring others across Australia not to give up hope in their fight for survival. They definitely needed such inspiration. The Great Depression spanned five long and hard years from 1929 …showed first 75 words of 1848 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1848 total…today as they grow to appreciate their way of life a whole lot more, and those who hear about it reflect upon it and come to the same conclusion. Even though the Depression was such a catastrophe, they were able to grow and learn from it. This is true with any trial that may enter a person's life. It is important to take life experiences and learn from them all that they would teach us.

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