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Famous people of the Civil War.

Title: Famous people of the Civil War.
Category: /History/North American History
Details: Words: 2334 | Pages: 8 (approximately 235 words/page)
Famous people of the Civil War.
Ullysses S. Grant Ulysses Simpson Grant served effectively with Zachary Taylor's army at Monterey during the Mexican war. Right when the war began Grant obtained a position on the staff of General George McClellan. During the war he showed courage in both physically and morally manners. In February 1862 Grant captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson with help from the Federal navy. In October he was appointed commander of the Department of Tennessee, and told to …showed first 75 words of 2334 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2334 total…president of the United States. He was a Southerner and he believed that whites should have control over government and society. He also believed that Congress didn't have the power to interfere with the southern states. When Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act and Johnson vetoed it, he tried to fire his secretary of war. Congress decided to impeach the president for misdemeanors. The Senate decided that he wasn't guilty. He died on July 31, 1875.

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