essays. term papers, thesis

My First Day attend in college

Title: My First Day attend in college
Category: /Society & Culture/Education
Details: Words: 339 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
My First Day attend in college
I lived in the United States about one year and two months. Recently, I just registered for my spring semester classes. This is my second time in the United States that I've been in college, although it is not totally new to me on the second time. But on January 21, 2003 was my first day of the second semester at college. First day at college I had many surprises and very confusing to me. In the …showed first 75 words of 339 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 339 total…found all my required books for my classes, I got into a long line and waited for 1 hour in order to see the cashier to pay for my books. I got out of the book store while I have only thirty minutes left until my second class starts, so I went straight to the class. Once this class was finished, and that was my last class of my first day and I went straight home.

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