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Representation Of Jordan and Kerry McFadden in the Sun Tuesday 10th February 2004

Title: Representation Of Jordan and Kerry McFadden in the Sun Tuesday 10th February 2004
Category: /Social Sciences/Communication Studies
Details: Words: 758 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Representation Of Jordan and Kerry McFadden in the Sun Tuesday 10th February 2004
Textual Analysis I integration between different media is shown clearly on the front page of the Sun on Tuesday 10th February 2004, as it is devoted exclusively to information on the television programme "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!". Although it may appear that the front page is about the show, the actual content is more based around the participants, in particular the scandalous Jordan and the 'Queen of the Jungle' Kerry McFadden. However, …showed first 75 words of 758 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 758 total…in men's magazines. All in all, these factors lead us to a conclusion that this paper represents Jordan a being nothing more than a 'slapper', whereas Kerry McFadden is represented as a pure, caring mother, and certainly more respectable than Jordan. But in the bigger picture, the fact that the Suns front page is devoted to these two women, and that there are no real news stories, says a lot about this papers core values.

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