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Rousseau and the chains of society

Title: Rousseau and the chains of society
Category: /Social Sciences/Politics
Details: Words: 846 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Rousseau and the chains of society
All men are born equal, but even before taking his first step or uttering his first word, a baby understands that it is every man for himself. Human nature may be born good--pure, simple, and as innocent as the baby himself--but when left to survive in this world, societal influences will ultimately shape and twist it into something else entirely. Rousseau understood this progression of human nature, and society's corruption of it. As he observed, "…showed first 75 words of 846 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 846 total…om the arguments stated, it is apparent that Rousseau's philosophies are justified. Rousseau's idea of prohibiting private property is practical considering the felony and wars that occur as a result of it, his idea of forcing freedoms is beneficial for oneself, and his philosophy of the negative impacts of society have been proven. Man is born with freedom of life and liberty; however this freedom is restricted through society's laws, religion, family, economics, and customs.

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