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Seven Days in May Analysis.

Title: Seven Days in May Analysis.
Category: /History/War & Conflicts
Details: Words: 779 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Seven Days in May Analysis.
Analysis of Seven Days in May Full of indirect references of the United States government during the time of the Cold War, the film, Seven Days in May, is an excellent example of the problems arising within the government and the people during the time of this war. The film displays the lack of confidence in the President, the agreements made by the United States to the Soviet Union, the lack of trust the Americans …showed first 75 words of 779 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 779 total…the Marshall Plan. Truman also formed the first peacetime military alliance, which connects with the secret alliance between the President and Colonel Casey to discover the facts behind the plan to overtake the government.Pp. 770 Despite the fact that the film portrayed a problem inside the United States government and the Cold War consisted of a problem with the Soviet Union's spread of communism, the movie and actual historical facts prove to be very similar.

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