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Shakespeares Famous play called macbeth

Title: Shakespeares Famous play called macbeth
Category: /Social Sciences/Language & Speech
Details: Words: 485 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Shakespeares Famous play called macbeth
The movie I watched was called Macbeth and it was a tragedy type play that took place in Scotland. It was a good but disturbing play written by Shakespeare and reenacted in movie form by a guy named Roman Polanski. My favorite character in the movie was Macbeth, he was a mean cruel and greedy person he didn't really have good values in my opinion because it seemed that he only stood for just being …showed first 75 words of 485 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 485 total…the fighting and blood, and especially in the begging when the witches bury the noose severed hand and a knife. I'd say personally that the English in the play was definitely well put because if I weren't smarter than I already were I wouldn't understand a word said. I think watching the play after reading the book definitely helped me understand what the witches were doing and how Macbeth got convinced to kill the king.

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