essays. term papers, thesis

The Five Major Battles.

Title: The Five Major Battles.
Category: /History/War & Conflicts
Details: Words: 423 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
The Five Major Battles.
Ypres -Canadian soldiers were sent to help protect the Western Front after training in England -They reached the Western Front in February 1915 -They joined French-Algerian troops in the trenches near the town of Ypres -April 22, two months after arriving, Germany choose Ypres for the first gas attack ever -They set off 5730 cylinders of chlorine gas -The gas killed 6037 Canadian soldiers -The soldiers still stood their ground -Little land was gained by the Germans Passchendaele -Douglas …showed first 75 words of 423 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 423 total…for germany) -german carved underground chambers/trenches -built machines gunsfooted in concrete and wrapped in hedges of thick barbed wire -German army was confident that no one coul force it off Vimy Ridge. -Vimy R. fell to the Cans. Corps under the command of Brit General, Julian Byng -Major-General Author Currie (canadian-born commander of the 1st canadian devision) -3500 lives of cans. were lost -Canada had its own officers in command of the Cans. Corps.

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