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The Third Reich, 1933-45(germany).

Title: The Third Reich, 1933-45(germany).
Category: /History/World History
Details: Words: 756 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
The Third Reich, 1933-45(germany).
The Consolidation of Power Hitler rapidly transformed the Weimar Republic into a dictatorship. The National Socialists accomplished their "revolution" within months, using a combination of legal procedure, persuasion, and terror. Because the parties forming the cabinet did not have a parliamentary majority, Hindenburg called for the dissolution of the Reichstag and set March 5, 1933, as the date for new elections. A week before election day, the Reichstag building was destroyed by fire. The Nazis blamed the …showed first 75 words of 756 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 756 total…of opportunism, some because they liked certain aspects of it such as full employment, which was quickly achieved. The regime also brought social order, something many Germans welcomed after fifteen years of political and economic chaos. Many were won over by Hitler's diplomatic successes, which began soon after he came to power and continued through the 1930s and which seemed to restore Germany to what they saw as its rightful place in the international community.

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