essays. term papers, thesis

The study of Victims of Crime.

Title: The study of Victims of Crime.
Category: /Law & Government/Law Issues
Details: Words: 1257 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
The study of Victims of Crime.
Victims of crime The victims experience of crime 30 years ago it would have been difficult to have found any criminological agency (official, professional, voluntary or other) or research group working in the field of victims of crime, or which considered crime victims as having any central relevance to the subject apart from being a sad product of the activity under study - criminality. To officials, the victim was merely a witness in the court case, …showed first 75 words of 1257 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1257 total…e.g. the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and the Zito Trust, which campaigns for victims of mentally disordered offenders, and SAMM (Support after murder and manslaughter). In 1990 in the United Kingdom the Victims Charter was published which largely set out, in general terms, the existing arrangements for victims and this charter was updated in 1996. It includes items under most of the heads covered by international documents, but interestingly it omits any mention of informal dispute resolution.

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