essays. term papers, thesis

The threat of biological warefare

Title: The threat of biological warefare
Category: /Law & Government/Military
Details: Words: 2324 | Pages: 8 (approximately 235 words/page)
The threat of biological warefare
It seems that every generation has special "buzzwords" for certain subjects. Not to be outdone in creativity by other generations, the buzzword for science in the 90's is "Biotechnology." Biotechnology is defined as "The study of the industrial production of goods and services by using biological organisms, systems, and processes" (Webster, 1968). Like any new technology there is a "good side" and a "bad side" to the technology. With regard to the good side: biotechnology has …showed first 75 words of 2324 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2324 total…and Biological Weapons." CQ Researcher 31 Jan. 1997: 73-96. Webster's Laino, Charlene. "Bioterrorism: 'a very real scenario'." (26 Nov. 1998): 5 on-line. 12 Mar. 1999. Available WWW:http://www.wysiwyg://8// New World Dictionary of the American Language. New York: The World Publishing Company, 1968. "The terror of war." Indianapolis Star. 23 Feb. 1999 "U.S. to oppose destroying remaining smallpox virus." Denver Post [Denver] 22 Apr. , 1999, sec. A4. Vogel, Steve. "Army Project To Destroy Chemical Approved." The Washington Post 4 Mar. 1999

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