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Through the Eyes of a Child: The unconditional love of my granddaughter.

Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The unconditional love of my granddaughter.
Category: /Literature/Creative Writing
Details: Words: 531 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Through the Eyes of a Child: The unconditional love of my granddaughter.
Through the Eyes of a Child She is a beautiful two-year-old child with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her lips are like little rose buds and her enthusiastic smile can warm the coldest of hearts. Her name is Serenity. She is my grandchild, and she stole my heart the day she was born. Serenity was born on an early summer afternoon in June. As the nurse handed her to me, our eyes met, and …showed first 75 words of 531 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 531 total…to say, "I love you". I will never forget that gift of her unconditional love. I never thought that I could again see life's beauty through the eyes of a child. The above experiences are just a few of many I have had and will have in the many years to come. The love of a grandchild brings out the child in your heart and it is a love that is stronger than life itself.

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