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Will Kyoto work in a Federal system?

Title: Will Kyoto work in a Federal system?
Category: /Social Sciences/Political Science
Details: Words: 2545 | Pages: 9 (approximately 235 words/page)
Will Kyoto work in a Federal system?
Many of the most critical issues facing Canadian's have connections to Canada's federal structure of government and the negotiations involved in the structure. The fundamental principle in the federal system is realization that different types of political issues are best suited for different political institutions. A continuing bargaining process between the federal and provincial levels of government goes on to create good policy. In 1867 the fathers of confederation drafted the BNA Act making Canada a …showed first 75 words of 2545 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2545 total…th the provincial governments before a common Canadian front will be clear (Kyoto Ratification Important For Future Generations, 16 December 2002. <> (March 25 2003). Kyoto is a good plan but has trouble being implemented in federal system of government. There are two levels controlling the environment; they must negotiate and reason to come up with a plan to benefit the nation as a whole and reach the goals set by the accord.

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