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Letter "N" » Nathan Brookwood Quotes
«Now consumers can buy a Mac that is three times faster and for the same price.»
«Based on what Intel said in December in their mid quarter update, they should know what's going on, so it's a real shock when they can't forecast four weeks in advance. That should be a slam dunk.»
«I don't know how much Apple pays for that IBM chip, but you can bet it's absurdly low. Apple has this crazy idea that it shouldn't have to pay as much as everyone else. And whatever it's paying for the IBM chip, I'm sure it's paying more for the Intel chip.»
«[As a result, AMD has a little more flexibility to boost the speed on its chips.] It gives the end-user a quick 10% boost to performance with very little effort, ... You drop in a new one and the thing runs faster.»
«It's very unlikely that Intel would win, ... But once Intel does release that chip, AMD will have the challenge going forward of demonstrating that its dual-core technology is superior to that of Intel, while Intel will be saying to its customers, 'If you want a dual-core processor, we've got it.'»
«What Intel is trying to do is put some distance between multiprocessor configurations, which will be Xeon-based, and Pentium 4 chips for the desktop and low-end workstation environments,»
«Intel has said that the 32-bit [applications] will run on top of IA-64 [Intel's 64-bit operating code], but not very fast, ... But, the guy who buys an IA-64 machine is not buying it for 32-bit programs but because it runs good 64-bit programs.»
«That, of course, is the 64-bit question, ... Whether the AMD box can perform like IA-64 on Itanium. If the AMD box can do it, we'd be looking from a purely architectural point of view at a superior solution, because Intel is forcing people to make a compromise.»
«If someone came up with a 64-bit desktop application, then AMD would have an advantage, ... As soon as the application base on PCs demands more than 4GB to run any particular application, that's when you will start to see pressure on the desktop for 64-bit processors. But the average use for a Windows 98 configuration is just south of 128MB, so we still have several years, as that demand tends to crawl forward at around 50 to 100 percent a year.»
«The Pentium III brand on desktops will definitely fade over the course of the next two or three quarters, ... By early 2002, it's going to be hard to find anybody actively promoting Pentium III on desktops. But [the Pentium III-M] will be the central player in Intel's mobile strategies for the next 18 months.»

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