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It is sometimes difficult to be inspired when trying to write a persuasive essay, book report or thoughtful research paper. Often of times, it is hard to find words that best describe your ideas. ResearchOver now provides a database of over 150,000 quotations and proverbs from the famous inventors, philosophers, sportsmen, artists, celebrities, business people, and authors that are aimed to enrich and strengthen your essay, term paper, book report, thesis or research paper.

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Letter "D" » devoted
«Capital is that part of wealth which is devoted to obtaining further wealth»
Author: Alfred Marshall | About: Wealth | Keywords: capital, capitals, devoted, further, obtaining
«And your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes, devoted to the holy Christian faith and the propagation thereof - and enemies of the sect of Mohammet and of all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me, Christopher Columbus, to the said»
«Compare society to a boat. Her progress through the water will not depend upon the exertion of her crew, but upon the exertion devoted to propelling her. This will be lessened by any expenditure of force in fighting among themselves, or in pulling in different directions.»
«If a product isn't selling, I want to get it out of there because it's taking up space that can be devoted to another part of my line that moves. Besides, having a product languish on the shelves doesn't do much for our image.»
«Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism; when a great one goes, like the New York Herald Tribune, history itself is denied a devoted witness.»
«Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, offer service to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall certainly reach Me. I promise you because you are very dear to Me.»
«A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.»
«For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants.»
«[About Marilyn Monroe] she was ?highly self-destructive?, during our marriage, ?all my energy and attention were devoted to trying to help her solve her problems. Unfortunately, I didn?t have much success.?»
«At Sussen, the Devil carried off, last Good Friday, three grooms who had devoted themselves to him»

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