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Letter "M" » mode
«Curiosity ... endows the people who have it with a generosity in argument and a serenity in their own mode of life which springs from their cheerful willingness to let life take the form it will.»
«Curiously enough, it seems to be only in describing a mode of language which does not mean what it says that one can actually say what one means.»
«Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being.»
«A democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience»
«Exile as a mode of genius no longer exists; in place of Joyce we have the fragments of work appearing in Index on Censorship.»
«A man who knows the world will not only make the most of everything he does know, but of many things that he does not know; and will gain more credit by his adroit mode of hiding his ignorance than the pendant by his awkward attempt to exhibit his er»
«By alienation is meant a mode of experience in which the person experiences himself as an alien. He has become, one might say, estranged from himself. He does not experience himself as the center of his world, as the creator of his own acts, but his acts and their consequences have become his masters, whom he obeys, or whom he may even worship. The alienated person is out of touch with himself as he is out of touch with any other person. He, like the others, is experienced as things are experienced; with the senses and with common sense, but at the same time without being related to oneself and to the world outside positively.»
«A man of genius has a right to any mode of expression.»
Author: Ezra Pound (Critic, Editor, Poet, Translator) | Keywords: mode
«Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.»
Author: Oscar Wilde (Critic, Dramatist, Novelist, Poet) | About: Art | Keywords: individualism, intense, mode
«A mode of transferring property without producing any intermediate good»

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