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Letter "O" » organize
«I see something that has to be done and I organize it.»
Author: Elinor Guggenheimer | Keywords: organize
«Don't agonize, organize.»
«Don't waste any time mourning - organize!»
Author: Joe Hill (Organizer) | Keywords: mourning, organize
«I'm definitely a messy person... I know where everything is but I just can't organize. I don't make lists and find scripts on the laundry machine, and under my bed, or in the bathroom, kitchen. It's bad, I really need to take control.»
«If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life.»
Author: Louis Parrish | Keywords: organize
«Democrats (I think to myself) are liberals who believe the people are basically good, but that they need government help to organize their lives. They believe in freedom so fervently that they think it should be compulsory. They believe that the poor and ignorant are victims of an unfair system and that their circumstances can be improved if we give them help. Republicans (I think to myself) are conservatives who think it would be best if we faced the fact that people are no damned good. They think that if we admit that we have selfish, acquisitive natures and then»
«It is more difficult to organize a peace than to win a war; but the fruits of victory will be lost if the peace is not organized.»
«It is a noteworthy fact that kicking and beating have played so considerable a part in the habits which necessity has imposed on mankind in past ages that the only way of preventing civilized men from beating and kicking their wives is to organize games in which they can kick and beat balls.»
«Law represents the effort of man to organize society; governments, the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty.»
«Do you know what amazes me more than anything else? The impotence of force to organize anything.»

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